Co-ordinated action plan urgently required to boost investment in Limerick region

Limerick Chamber has emphasised the need for the public and private sector to focus on a co-ordinated action plan in order to boost trade and investment in the region.


Maria Kelly, Limerick Chamber CEO, said, “Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the Mid-West has been strong with the IDA and Shannon Development creating almost 1,300 jobs in the last two years.  However, figures disclosed in the Dáil recently confirm that Limerick only secured 3% of the jobs created by the IDA in Ireland in 2012.  That is a startling figure when compared to Cork (17%) and Galway (7%).”


“And while the live register figures published in May show that the largest percentage decrease in unemployment was in the mid-west region with 4.8%, it still remains that 17.5% of the labour force in Limerick City and County are unemployed.“


“Furthermore, the Gateway Development Index reviewing the socio-economic performance of the Limerick Shannon Gateway also cites a “lack of coordination and joined up thinking by stakeholders” as a reason for short term objectives not being implemented.”


“Limerick has enormous potential and a fantastic workforce to support thriving businesses. The area profile for the Limerick region, recently unveiled by the Central Statistics Office (CSO)*, presents a positive picture and supports this.  But the region needs joined up thinking and a co-ordinated strategy if we are to attract the right companies and levels of investment in the region.  With the break-up of Shannon Development, it is vital that all relevant stakeholders in the region work closely on a common strategy.”


“It is against this background that Limerick City Business Association (LCBA) will come in under the umbrella of the Limerick Chamber so that we co-ordinate our efforts and give the city centre a stronger voice.  We are also developing a website to compliment the work of the IDA which will help promote investment opportunities and raise awareness of the region to overseas companies.  Limerick Chamber will work with all relevant stakeholders to ensure the site addresses the needs of the region,” she concluded.





 The Gateways and Hubs Development Index 2012 can be assessed at the following links:


* CSO Area Profile for Limerick City & County


** The IDA figures were provided in a written Dáil response to Fine Gael’s Joe McHugh.


Limerick Chamber is an affiliate of Chambers Ireland – Ireland’s largest business network creating the best environment for members locally, regionally and nationally.


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