More Must Be Done to Support Retailers

Limerick Chamber has called on Government to implement improved measures to support the struggling retail sector in Budget 2014. The call comes following the latest CSO figures which show a 1.6% decrease in the volume of retail sales in June 2013 when compared with May 2013.


Speaking this morning, Maria Kelly, Limerick Chamber Chief Executive, said “Retail Sales have remained relatively stable over the last couple of years but they will only begin to improve with increased support from the Government in Budget 2014. With retailers forming the heart of our towns and cities across the country, the Government must do everything it can to assist this sector which will support increased job creation and retention.”


“Retailers should be supported by more equitable commercial rates.  In our pre-budget submission to Government, Limerick Chamber suggests an overhaul toward a more equitable calculation which takes into account factors other than the value of the premises, which could be piloted in Limerick.  Providing improved support for retailers through measures such as this, and more, will increase job creation and retention and improve consumer confidence,” she concluded.


In June 2013, Limerick Chamber and the Limerick City Business Association joined forces and formed LCBA@theChamber, a retail branch of the Chamber which is leading the rollout of the REI pilot city initiative focused on revitalising the retail sector of Limerick City.


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