Shop Local for Christmas and support local jobs

24/11/20 As retailers across the city and county wait for confirmation of a possible December reopening, Limerick Chamber wants to thank Limerick shoppers for the support they have shown to date on the ‘Shop Limerick’ platform and urge them to keep thinking locally when choosing Christmas gifts.

Dee Ryan, CEO Limerick Chamber said ‘Neither Limerick retailers nor consumers have taken the lock down lying down.  Our retailers have adapted and become more active online and on social channels,  and the volume of traffic to is evidence of the incredible support that is being shown by Limerick people for these local businesses.’

‘I commend our independent retailers for the innovation they have shown over the course of the last eight months. Together with the Local Authority and Local Enterprise Office, the Chamber is proud to have supported 225 businesses in their online journey and getting the ‘Shop Limerick’ platform launched. ‘

And those efforts are paying off, continuing Ms Ryan said ‘Since October 1st alone there has been over 12,000 unique users on the platform and over 70,000 page views. It really goes to show the goodwill in our community for traders – Limerick people want to return support to the retailers who sponsor local sports clubs and schools year in year out across the county.

Regardless of what level we move to next and mindful of putting your own safety first, I would ask you to choose local in the coming weeks, whether online or safely in person when restrictions allow.  This important spending period of December is an opportunity for us to do for retailers with Shop Local what we did for hospitality during the summer with staycations.  There is fantastic choice and quality locally and if we get behind we can give our local businesses the Christmas boost they deserve after an incredibly difficult year’

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