Limerick to Cork M20 is critical

27th April 2015


A joint statement issued today by Cork and Limerick Chambers of Commerce highlighted the criticality of the M20 as a key piece of enabling infrastructure required to facilitate the successful economic development of the Atlantic Corridor.


According to Conor Healy, Cork Chamber CEO, “It is very disappointing that the Minister for Transport, Mr. Paschal Donohoe has refused to allow the M20 motorway to progress to planning stage. The M20 is a critical infrastructural priority as its completion will have a domino effect across both of the economic centres, Cork and Limerick, the wider Southern region and the Atlantic Corridor as a whole. It would result in improvements in employment, attraction of FDI and reduced traffic congestion and improved journey times between both urban centres.”


Speaking about the need for an upgrade to the current N20 Limerick Chamber CEO Dr. James Ring said “inter-urban road connectivity between Ireland’s 2nd and 3rd cities is a critical, and long overdue void in our national road network.


The current road is substandard and hampers the ease at which business can be done. Improving access between Cork and Limerick will allow our two great regions to combine our complementary strengths, improve business interactions and deliver meaningful balanced regional development”.


Cork and Limerick Chambers’ concluded by highlighting that every effort must be made to facilitate in a timely and proactive manner what is one of the most important pieces of infrastructure for the southern region and called on the Minister to give a clear commitment to the progression of the M20 and agree timelines for its delivery.



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