A policy statement on Entrepreneurship can unlock potential and create new jobs

Limerick Chamber has today (20/06/13) called for the timely introduction of ‘A National Entrepreneurship Policy Statement for Ireland’. The call comes in a submission made to the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation.


Maria Kelly, Limerick Chambers Chief Executive said, “With only modest falls in the unemployment rate and worrying trends in youth and long term unemployment, Government must do everything it can to encourage entrepreneurial spirit and unlock enterprising activity.”


“Research from the Central Bank shows that newer companies are responsible for the greatest levels of job creation; therefore, Government needs to send a strong and consistent message of support to potential entrepreneurs.”


“Start-up businesses can be the engines of job creation; a vital component of any economic recovery.”


In their submission as part of the national network the Chamber calls on the Government to:

  1. Restore consumer confidence and domestic demand to the Irish economy. Without this, people with entrepreneurial spirit and innovative ideas will remain unwilling to take the risks involved in starting a new business;
  2. Promote a rationalised and joined-up approach to support for entrepreneurs;
  3. Collaborate with local Chambers of Commerce to facilitate the dissemination of information and provision of expert knowledge;
  4. Encourage entrepreneurial activity by improving the business environment for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises;
  5. Ensure guidelines on insolvency mean that individuals who have previously failed in business, but have credible new ideas, are not prohibited from taking further risks;
  6. Recognise the work done by business support organisations in the areas of business networking and mentoring;
  7. Promote and encourage the European Network of Mentors for Women Entrepreneurs;
  8. Establish a Youth Entrepreneurship Fund; and
  9. Encourage a focused and coordinated approach to the teaching and development of entrepreneurship through secondary and third-level education.


“The creation of a policy statement on entrepreneurship is an opportunity for the Government to show its commitment to the potential business leaders of the future. Everyone, but especially those groups underrepresented among entrepreneurs such as women and young people, must feel the Government is there to support them as they take their first steps into business. A policy statement can help to focus thoughts and actions on long term economic aims, rather than short term considerations such as balancing the budget,” Kelly concluded.


The submission can be accessed here

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