The latest Mid-West Rental Monitor released by the Limerick Chamber unveils a stark contrast in the Mid-West’s rental landscape, marking a significant downturn in availability coupled with an unprecedented surge in prices for December 2023. According to the report, December 2023 witnessed a drastic reduction in available residential rentals across the three counties of the

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Limerick Chamber, the largest business representative organisation in the Mid-West, comprising of over 400 member organisations who employ approximately 50,000 workers in the region, has this week lodged an objection to the planning application submitted by Dublin Airport Authority (daa). The daa application seeks permission to expand the airport, develop greenfield sites and adjoining public

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Refusal of planning for LNG facility on Shannon Estuary conflicts with new government strategy outlining plan for LNG terminal Limerick President’s award goes to John Kiely on behalf of Limerick team, while Carelon Global Solutions Ireland is named company of the year View the gallery from the Limerick Chamber President’s Dinner & Regional Business Awards:

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– Urban Gaeltacht, Bigger Bus Bays and an Urban Greening Plan – Study recommends measures to increase attractiveness of city living, and identifies increased worker housing as the key to unlocking Limerick city centre potential Limerick Chamber City Centre Report highlights the need for personal responsibility in report that focuses on propelling Limerick to the

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