And urges Councillors to protect local jobs by supporting local businesses Limerick Chamber has today (10/6/14) congratulated the recently elected members on securing their seat on the historic newly amalgamated City and County Authority. Maria Kelly, Limerick Chamber CEO said that “the newly amalgamated authority is a milestone in the history of Limerick.
4th June 2014: Limerick Chamber is providing a Business Group platform to help businesses grow their client base through networking, co-operation and partnership. Membership of the Limerick Chamber Wednesday Business Group offers a range of benefits, ensuring professional success as businesses increase their profile and gain exposure. Companies are guaranteed leads and consequently
9 June 2014: Helen O’Donnell, Chair of LCBA@theChamber and Director of Limerick Chamber, will represent Chambers Ireland on a National Retail Forum run by the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation. The Retail Consultation Forum has been established by the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation to provide a platform for a structured engagement
Chambers Ireland has called on all contracting Authorities to follow the letter and spirit of Circular 10/14, which seeks to increase SME involvement in public procurement. The call comes following the revelation that some Local Authorities continue to award tenders based on lowest price. Chambers Ireland Chief Executive, Ian Talbot, said “While we welcomed the
Limerick Chamber has today (19/05/14) called on all candidates in this week’s Local Elections to promote public procurement policies which support businesses in the Limerick region. Speaking this morning, Limerick Chamber Chief Executive Maria Kelly said “Public procurement is a vital source of income for many Limerick SMEs. However, we are increasingly hearing of