Budget 2014 Must Not Impede Job Creation

Limerick Chamber has called on the Government to maintain a stable job environment by not increasing any employment costs in the budget.


Speaking this morning, Órlaith Borthwick, Limerick Chamber Economist, said “One of Budget 2014’s core priorities must be maintaining and increasing employment. We cannot afford to do anything to damage the recent positive momentum on the job market. Ireland is now in its third consecutive quarter of job growth, albeit from very low levels, and Budget 2014 should continue to support this by not introducing any disincentives to recruitment. Measures such as hiking employers PRSI and/or changing the current sick pay regime for employers that would impede job creation must not be considered in the Budget.”


Noting the recent publication of the report of the Advisory Group on Tax and Social Welfare Limerick Chamber stated that there is no justification for a compulsory hike in PRSI for the self-employed.


Speaking about the recommendations, Dr. Borthwick said “While many of the suggestions in the report are worthwhile, a compulsory hike in PRSI Contributions from the self-employed cannot be justified at this time. Any increase should be entirely voluntary and ‘opt-in’ in nature,” she commented.


“Budget 2014 must focus on containing employment costs by committing to no further increases – providing businesses with much needed certainty enabling future planning. The political kite flying that occurs annually pre-budget is a disincentive to growth and employment creation as businesses fear increases in employment costs and postpone decisions regarding recruitment and expansion” concluded Dr. Borthwick.


A full copy of Limerick Chambers Pre-Budget Submission 2014 is available here




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