Ethicon Investment Places Limerick Firmly on Global Map for Life Sciences

Limerick Chamber has welcomed the announcement that Ethicon Biosurgery Ireland is set to invest €80 million in a manufacturing facility in Limerick with the creation of 270 jobs and another 150 temporary construction jobs.

Speaking at the announcement today, Limerick Chamber CEO Maria Kelly said, “This significant jobs announcement underpins the excellence of this region as a national employment and investment hub.  Limerick is a key competitive location for investment and job creation due to its connectivity and educated, skilled and flexible workforce.


“When viewed in the context of the on-going success of pharma companies like Vistakon, Cook Medical and Styker, the establishment of Regeneron and the €40 million investment in the Synthesis & Solid State Pharmaceutical Centre in UL, Limerick has become a very strong hub for the pharmaceutical and medical devices sector.


“This announcement also highlights the importance of strong collaboration between industry and our third level institutions – specifically LIT and NIBRT and their work with Ethicon.


“I would like to extend our congratulations to IDA Ireland in their efforts to secure this critical investment for Limerick,” concluded Ms Kelly.




For more information contact Edwina Gore at Limerick Chamber on 061 217607 or

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