Attraction of More Jobs to Region Signals Economic Revival


MECO Announces New HQ in Limerick

3 Ireland Completes Contact Centre Fulfilling 100 Jobs



28 September 2015:  Welcoming the news that MECO, a US Water purification firm, is to open its European headquarters in Limerick, creating 44 jobs, Dr James Ring, Limerick Chamber CEO said:


“This is exciting news for the Mid-west.  The announcement by MECO comes on the back of several other life sciences and process industries establishing a base here.  While the 44 jobs being announced today are very welcome, I am confident we will see further growth as other companies on the sub supply chain for pharma companies grow and expand.”


Prior to that announcement, Dr James Ring welcomed Ministers Noonan, O’Sullivan and Bruton to the Three customer contact centre in Limerick where the transition of all customer calls from Mumbai to Ireland has been completed, filling 100 roles in the process three months ahead of schedule. Dr Ring noted;


“The decision by Three to locate all its call centre employees in Ireland is significant.  It is a clear sign that Ireland has regained its competitive edge as we attract jobs from all manner of industries.  The cost of doing business in Ireland has reduced. This, combined with our highly educated and skilled workforce and a progressive government policy means our international reputation is being rebuilt in a sustainable manner.”






Edwina Gore

Communications Manager




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