Green light for O’Connell Street works a timely boost for city

Monday 1 March 2021: Limerick Chamber has today said that the go-ahead for the €9.1m revitalisation works on O’Connell Street will be a key accelerator for the COVID economic recovery in the city.

Welcoming the announcement today that the works will proceed following a review of critical transport infrastructure projects in Limerick, Chamber CEO Dee Ryan said that they will significantly enhance the attractiveness of the city centre for people to work, live and shop in.

“Last week we called for these works, which were scheduled to start in January, to commence immediately as a matter of urgency so that key elements would be delivered in time to support businesses that hope to reopen in the coming months.  The response has been a positive one, the works will now commence and credit to the department for greenlighting this.

“There’s a whole swathe of things that need to happen for the revitalisation of our city centre but enhancing the public realm so that it becomes an attractive destination for retailers and consumers alike is certainly one of them. That will now be delivered with this programme and the works will also raise the sense of pride in our city centre,” said Ms Ryan.

“Aside from the public health aspect, the past 12 months or more has been a very challenging period for everyone in business but we are now beginning to see some light. There are a range of investments scheduled to start in Limerick that will advance our recovery but the city centre revitalisation programme will certainly be another welcome and key accelerator.”

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