Dr James Ring – CEO Limerick Chamber, Lorraine Higgins – Head of Public Affairs Retail Excellence, Ivan Yates – Broadcaster, David Fitzsimons- CEO Retail Excellence
Limerick Chamber and Retail Excellence announced a new partnership on Monday 3rd April in the Limerick Strand Hotel with over 90 Retailers in attendance. Retail Excellence offer many Member benefits including complimentary HR phone support, copyright paid music, the lowest gift card acceptance charges, the lowest cost credit and debit card merchant fees in the market and many more. The collaboration between both groups means that paid up members of Limerick Chamber will automatically become Members of Retail Excellence and will be able to avail of all their Member benefits.
CEO of Limerick Chamber, Dr James Ring said “We are delighted to Partner with Retail Excellence and offer our Members dual Membership of Retail Excellence and Limerick Chamber, with our Members paying just one Subscription.” “Limerick Chamber is committed to supporting retailers in the region. This Membership offer is open to all retailers in the region and I would recommend them to subscribe.
Broadcaster and Journalist Ivan Yates was MC for the evening. CEO of Retail Excellence David Fitzsimons said “Retail is no longer about a product on a shelf. It is about atmosphere and experience – connection and community. Online will be about commerce while stores will be about hospitality.” Retail Excellence hold weekly meetings with Oireachtas Members in Leinster House, they sit on a number of Government Advisory Committees, liaise with State Agencies and work with Local Authorities.
For further information please contact: Maura McMahon, Limerick Chamber 061-415180 mmcmahon@limerickchamber.ie
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