Limerick Chamber Calls on Local Election Candidates to be Business Ambassadors

Support for Business Must be Priority to Help Create Jobs


Limerick Chamber launched its Local Election Manifesto calling on candidates to be ambassadors for the region’s business community.


Speaking about the manifesto, Limerick Chamber CEO Maria Kelly said, “Local councillors play a vital role in supporting Limerick as an attractive business location. Local councillors can adopt policies that will deliver the necessary environment for business sustainability and expansion, thereby offering job security for their constituents and economic growth for the region”..

Key asks which Limerick Chamber has requested on behalf of their members include:

  • no increases in local authority charges for businesses;
  • reinstatement of the interchange at Roxboro, connecting the hinterland to the city;
  • the introduction of an Economic Development Fund, ring-fenced from commercial rates and reinvested back into the business community;
  • delivery of the Local Enterprise Offices, a one-stop shop for business support services;
  • necessary public realm upgrades;
  • adequate flood protection measures to protect residents and businesses alike, among others.


“The local elections in May 2014 will cement political and local government unity throughout Limerick, where new geographic boundaries can drive policy cohesion supporting economic growth for the entire region. As the primary source of funding for local government, the business community’s priorities must become the drivers for policy to ensure that Limerick remains a competitive pro-business environment where enterprise can flourish and job security and expansion is protected” concluded Ms Kelly.


A full copy of Limerick Chambers Local Election Business Manifesto 2014 is available here.



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