‘Maintain Confidence’ – Key Message from Business Lunch

Josephine Feehily Addresses 150 Business Leaders at Limerick Chamber Luncheon


29 September 2015:  Josephine Feehily, Chair of the newly formed Policing Authority, highlighted the importance of maintaining confidence in all organisational stakeholders when addressing business leaders at a Limerick Chamber Business Lunch sponsored by Ulster Bank recently.


Speaking about her time as head of the Revenue Commissioners, Ms Feehily said, “Looking back I now fully appreciate how important it was that we maintained confidence in all our stakeholders, whether it was government, staff, tax payers or the troika, particularly through the crisis.  If we didn’t, Revenue wouldn’t have been able to perform and we wouldn’t have exited the bailout when we did.”


She added that “lots of visibility and communications with staff was essential to maintaining staff morale as jobs and public sector pay was being cut.”


Referring to the new Lobbying Act, Ms Feehily aired some caution saying “I hope it doesn’t hinder business engagement with the public sector, which is necessary and must continue.”


Ms Feehily concluded by saying she was delighted to join the Limerick Economic Forum.


Over 150 people attended the Limerick Chamber Autumn Business lunch which took place in Thomond Park on 25 September.


As sponsors of the event, Colm O’Shea, Head of Business Centre, Ulster Bank said “We were delighted to support this important business event with such a high calibre speaker.  Ulster Bank is working hand in hand with businesses to help them grow and succeed.”




Click here to see photographs from the event.

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