QQi Level 5 Food Safety Nov 5th,12th,19th 2024

QQi Level 5 Implementing Food Safety Management Systems
NOV 5th, 12th 19th 2024


The aim of the programme is to provide learners with the knowledge to implement and review a Food Safety Management System. It also provides the learner with a clearer understanding of the obligations and best practice when implementing a Food Safety Management system.

Programme Objectives:

On completion of this programme, the learner should be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of legal requirements for food business operators.
  • Demonstrate knowledge with significant depth of Biological, Chemical,
  • Physical and Allergen Hazards and their causes.
  • Demonstrate the skills described by the FSAI Level 3 guidelines.
  • Implement and review a Food Safety Management System.
Who should attend:

This programme is suitable for persons in a senior role in the Food, Hospitality, Healthcare and Catering sector i.e. Catering Supervisors, Head Chefs and Management Team.

Entry Requirements: Knowledge, Skill and Competency to FSAI Level 2 required through formal qualification or through relevant life and work experience.  It is recommended that learners should have a good verbal and written command of the English language.  

Progression:  Progression may be attained by embarking on the Designing Food Safety Management Systems QQi Award Level 6 programme.

Duration:     3 Days

The core content of the programme contains the following:

  • Food Safety Legislation and Standards
  • Pre-Requisite Programmes
  • Hazard (Biological, Chemical, Physical, Allergen) Cause and Prevention
  • Best Practice (Delivery/Storage/ Preparation/Cooking/Cooling/Reheating/
    Display/Dispatch) FSAI Level 3.
  • Implement and Review Food Safety Management Systems
Assessment: 60% Project 40% Examination.  Learners must achieve a Pass (50% or more) separately on both the Project and Exam to achieve QQi Certification
Date and Time

Tuesday Nov 5, 2024

09:30 to 14:30 approx
NOV 5th, 12th 19th 2024


The programme will be delivered ONLINE VIA ZOOM using:
-Powerpoint Presentation
-Questions and Answering Session


Per person fee without Limerick Chamber Skillnet Discount; €575
Per person fee with Limerick Chamber Skillnet Discount: €460

Please note Skillnet discount is only available to companies registered in the Republic of Ireland and to non-governmental organisations.  

Contact For More Information, Sian Murray Cardoso: s.murray@limerickchamber.ie


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