Separation of Shannon Airport and creation of new jobs welcomed by Business Community

Statement from Ennis and Limerick Chambers, IBEC Mid-west & American Chambers



3 December 2012:  Business representative organisations in the Mid-west region have welcomed the announcement that Shannon Airport has been granted full independence from the Dublin Airport Authority (DAA).


In a statement issued by Ennis and Limerick Chambers along with IBEC Mid-West and the American Chamber the organisations welcomed the announcement and stated that a sustainable business model is essential:


“With a new management team and strong business plan in place, we are confident that Shannon airport will drive economic growth to the mid-west region.


Independence from the DAA gives the airport’s management team the freedom and ability to drive passenger growth and develop routes to key international hubs, as well as tourist destinations, in a competitive market driven way. Today’s announcement will allow Shannon return to its grass roots as an innovative profitable entity.


“Connectivity is a prerequisite to doing business in our global economy. Shannon Airport is a national strategic asset serving the Mid-west Region and plays a vital role in the maintenance and enhancement of our economic development.   It underpins our very large multi-national manufacturing and traded services sectors, supports tourism development and provides access for indigenous Irish companies to their customers and suppliers worldwide.  The new management team must implement a viable business strategy to transform Shannon into a competitive and sustainable airport.”


In response to the announcement that plans are in place to create 3,000 plus aviation services jobs, the organisations said, “Job creation of this scale highlights the right decision has been made and that an independent Shannon airport will be a significant catalyst for growth and prosperity for the region.”



For more information contact:

Ennis Chamber: Rita McInerney, CEO, email: or tel: 065 684 2988

Limerick Chamber:  Edwina Gore, Communications Consultant, email: or  tel:  061 217607

IBEC Mid-west:  Reg McCabe, Regional Director, e |

American Chamber: Brian Harrison, Communications Executive, email: or tel: 01 661 6201



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